You can be whoever you want to be..

Who will you chose?

Sometimes we don’t have the time or mental bandwidth to know who we really are; what we really want; how to understand and give life to our desires; how to connect with our true selves.

Whether it's for personal growth and wellbeing; to be a better partner, friend or family member; to be more successful professionally, artistically, physically , or in any other way - being conscious and connected to our true self changes everything.

The answers are all inside you. All you have to do is connect to them…

But how do you do this? When? With whom?

It is completely natural to ask all of these questions - there aren’t many, if any, places to do this in day-to-day life. We need to feel safe and connected but distant enough to be free. We need to feel supported and guided, but not led or pushed.

I have been specifically trained by iPEC, a world leading ICF accredited coaching organisation; to provide exactly this unique environment. Using tested and reviewed tools and always from a place of nonjudgement, adventure, respect and discovery. Intuitive listening, empowering questioning and genuine curiosity will enable me to partner with you in allowing you to tap into your inner gifts, connect deeply to who you are and start living your life consciously, vividly and with passion. Whatever this looks like to you.

Energy Leadership

Whether we lead ourselves, our families, in the community or professionally. How you lead is defined by your unique blend of energy. We start our relationship by understanding how your personal energy works.

Core Energy

Core energy coaching is an incredibly powerful client centred method which focuses always on you. Who you are and how your unique energy shapes the way you see and interact with your world.

Holistic Vision

We are all complex creatures - sometimes even more than we realise. Our relationship is a client led partnership where I support and and assist you in uncovering your truths.

Ask me anything

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